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Re: FW: steering joints her/spit

To: triumphs-owner <>, triumphs <>
Subject: Re: FW: steering joints her/spit
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 96 09:07:00 PDT
Encoding: 28 TEXT
>The little flexible joint on the bottom of the steering column I know it is
>possible to get a new joint but only have a problem with the tapered rubber
>sleeves which go onto the bolts and act as (anti vibration/ flexible
>whatevers?)  Is it possible to get just these rubbers?
>I just performed the same surgical procedure on my 64 Spitfire 4 and am
>pleased to share with you my solution.  I, too, could not find a source for 

>replacement rubber washers and then I noticed that the washers are almost
>exactly the same size as the tapered rubber washers that are common in
>almost every single U.S. bathroom or kitchen faucet.
Hey guys when you under take a restoration the best thing to do is get a
copy of the factory parts manual then look up part numbers in the TRF
catalog. There are lots of thing they carry that don't show up in the
catalogs. These rubber bushes are one example. I bought them from TRF last
year, part number 108977!
Ralph Jannelli


Oh, com'on Ralph, don't you know that it's more fun being a DPO for the next 
guy who buys your car and using non-standard replacement parts like sink 
washers in steering couplings?  Good advice on the part ####.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4 (undergoing surgery)

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