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Re: '80 Spitfire dies

To: (Ralph Jannelli),
Subject: Re: '80 Spitfire dies
From: "Chris Boston" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 16:15:58 +0100 "'80 Spitfire dies" (Aug 20, 8:51am)
References: <>
On Aug 20,  8:51am, Ralph Jannelli wrote:
> Subject: '80 Spitfire dies
> I received a call last night from a new Spitfire owner who is having
> problems. I am more familiar with the early Spits. The symtom is the car
> runs fine then when it gets "hot" it dies and will not restart until it
> cools down. He has changed the electronic ignition module to an after market
> one and claims he still has spark when the car dies. It cranks ok and tries
> to catch but won't. I suggested he check fuel lines for softness and
> restrictions. Also asked him to check the carbon canisted for clogging
> theory here that if clogged it could pull a partial vaccum on the gas tank
> causing no fuel delivery. Any other ideas?

Hmm, sounds as if it could be fuel evaporation, does he have a heatshield
between his exhaust manifold and his float-chambers?

just my 2p,


-- 1977 Spitfire 1500...Everyday/Only Driver.

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