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Re: TR-3 Wire Wheel conversion

Subject: Re: TR-3 Wire Wheel conversion
From: (Jack I Brooks)
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 1996 22:22:59 EDT
References: <>
On Sat, 17 Aug 1996 11:14:17 -0400 writes:
>In a message dated 96-08-16 14:16:24 EDT, writes:
><< ) I replaced the original hubs and wire wheels on my car 3 years 
>  Before I did it I did much research and found several articles 
>relating to
> the physics of wire wheels.  The articles described exactly what I 
>said.  If
> you tighten the knockoffs with the hammer the wheels might not be 
> seated (i.e. off center) and there is also a chance that you can 
>damage the
> hubs.  Note that I said to whack them about 5 or 6 medium shots 
>before you
> drive away.  I have changed, rotated etc. my tires/wheels many times 
>in the
> last 32 years I've owned the car and have never had a problem.  Also 
> original wheels lasted about 80K miles before I replaced them.  So, 
>it's up
> to you whether you take my advice or not. :-)). >>
>So far nothing I've read no responses that have been anything but 
> Sorry I don't have the articles with me which described, in quite 
>detail, the procedure outlined above.  Since I have never had a wheel 
>off or any other problem in 32 years of  driving my car with wire 
>wheels and
>have always had to "knock" pretty hard to remove them when rotating 
>greasing the splines etc. I'll continue to do as I said.  Note however 
>that I said.  
>1) wheel(s)off the ground
>2) knockofffs on the proper side -hand tightened
>3) 5 or 6 medium whacks with the hammer
>4) drive away
>I did NOT say to just put on the knockoffs and drive away - my point 
>is that
>you don't have to bang the hell out of them as the first message in 
>thread said.  Maybe someone might try the above method and tell us how 
>the wheels are after 10 miles or so. 
>Without the articles in hand I cannot make my case so I rest it.  
>your cars -do as you please.  Cheers.
>Art Kelly

I think we are all very close on what needs to be done to get the wire
wheels back on the car.  The basic difference in what I have heard, and I
am a new-bee trying to learn how to do the wire wheel conversion and take
care of this new investment, is that TeriAnn describes beating the
knockoff on tightly and you are sugesting several medium whacks.  We are
dealing with semantics here.  I personally am adverse to really beating
anything exceptionally hard unless it is as a last resort.  When I
removed the Jugs (cylinders) on my Norton 850 motorcycle I had to use a 6
foot extension, with the thought that the last bolt would either loosen
or shear off in the aluminum engine case.  I spent over a week with
penetarting oils, heat etc.

I have several months until the winter sales of wire wheel kits begin. 
Lots of time to talk to more people and try to determine a consencious.

Thanks to all that have contributed to these discussions.  If anyone has
factory or aftermarket literature on articles on how to install wire
wheels I would greatly appreciate a copy or a source.  I really feel that
everyone is pretty close to the same solution,  it would just be nice to
see some official (if it is in print it must be right????) literature or

Jack Brooks

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