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Re: GT6/Spit parts interchangeability...

To: Michael Noerregaard <>
Subject: Re: GT6/Spit parts interchangeability...
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 1996 15:42:40 -0700
References: <>
Michael Noerregaard wrote:
> I just heard of a junk-yard (sorry, salvage yard) here in town that is
> supposed to have two Spits standing around - and I thought it might be a
> good time to stock up on stuff for my GT6 (not in dire need for anything,
> but...)  Therefore I was wondering what parts are the same, like

Think the front bodywork is virtually the same, as are the bumpers... 
but, of course, model for model.  The upper part of the rear valance is 
different, since the forming there is meant to accept the trunk lid 
(though it can be adapted to the GT6).  Probably the best way to 
determine if there is some parts interchangeability is go through some 
outlet's parts catalog and compare.  For instance, VicBrit has separate 
listings for Spits and GT6s, but a fair number, year for year, of the 
part numbers are the same.  As for calipers, I'm not sure, but thought 
that GT6 got a slightly bigger version for the front.  If that's the 
case, one probably could fit GT6 to Spit, but not the other way around.

My other Triumph doesn't run, either....

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