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Re[6]: "eau de Castrol"....

Subject: Re[6]: "eau de Castrol"....
From: "Peter Mchugh" <>
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 96 07:42:46 EST
     Aaaargh!  I guess that explains it!

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Subject: Re: Re[4]: "eau de Castrol"....
Author: at smtpgate
Date:    8/3/96 9:55 AM

In a message dated 96-08-02 08:12:59 EDT, you write:
<< The vision you create, of hair driven back by wind, engine at 
      4000 turns, a halo of castrol fumes, head over the cockpit 
      side....must be what keeps the girls away....I noticed recently that 
      dogs don't use my TR's wheels either..... >>
Perhaps I wasn't quite explicit enough about those dashing young WWI 
Have you ever had to take castor oil?  Let's just say it REALLY relieves 
constipation.  It wasn't his head that hapless pilot had hanging over the 
cockpit coaming.  In fact, when the German let him go, it wasn't really 
necessary -- he was  ALREADY going !!!
Now, if that's what you're doing in your Castrol-soaked car, no wonder the 
women shy away  ;-)

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