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Re: "eau de Castrol"....

Subject: Re: "eau de Castrol"....
From: "Richard R. Olson" <>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 1996 12:34:20 -0700
Organization: William J. Hughes (FAA) Technical Center ACT-350
References: <v02130500ae267b6fd5d6@[]>
Hi all,
I, too, have noticed nasty auto related odours, especially on things that 
lie around in the boot.  A new gasket helped here, but, I think leaning 
my mixture helped somewhat, too.  No more splashing unburned petrol out 
the exhaust, either!!
'73 TR6 (parts)
'72 TR6 (daily driver)

Milo Kral wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if the fumes might be coming from a couple of sources:
> 1)  old trans. tunnel or a new one with bad or non-existent seals
> 2)  old or missing grommets in the firewall
> 3)  leaky exhaust system
> I hope that you aren't getting exposed to carbon monoxide too.
> Milo
> >Hi All,
> >
> >After I have been driving in my car I smell like I've been working on a
> >pit crew.  This is not a problem if I`m just driving it for fun, but soon
> >(hopefully!) I will be working and I really want to use my car as my daily
> >driver.  I guess I could just say its my aftershave but I dont think that
> >will go over too well in an office environment!  Do other LBC's do the same
> >thing?  What can I do to fix this?  Thanks.
> >
> >Jon Moody '73TR6
> Milo Kral
> Code 6324
> Naval Research Laboratory
> (202) 767-2622
> (202) 767-2523 (FAX)

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