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Re: TR6 - Half Shafts

Subject: Re: TR6 - Half Shafts
From: Tom Tweed <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 13:55:44 -0400
Fellow Motorheads,
Hope I didn't lead anyone astray regarding half-shaft removal, it seems
that mine was made difficult by a replacement stone guard that's different
from most--mine is made of heavy molded PVC or similar plastic--very stiff,
and not about to be folded back on itself without tearing, and thick enough
to need more clearance thru the swingarm than the stock-type rubber piece.

Don't know how common this PVC-type stone guard is, or who sold it, but if
you car has 'em, count on separating the half-shafts *if* you just need to
check the outer section.  As reported earlier, removing the inner U-joint/
flange from the diff is by far the hardest part...especially if a PO re-
used the Nylock nuts and added Loktite (thread locking compound), as was
also the case on the crashed TR-6 I was scavenging.

Tom Tweed
Miami Valley Triumphs (TRA)
SW Ohio

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