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Re: Thanks! RE:Late TR3A wiring

Subject: Re: Thanks! RE:Late TR3A wiring
From: Lawrence Schilling <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 12:53:39 -0500
I also have a Moto-Lita steering wheel on my Stag and like it a lot.

At 06:46 AM 5/28/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Thanks for your replies.  I hadn't thought of the universal harness for
>both left and right hand drive cars.
>i have a wood Motoleta steering wheel without the signal hub.  To keep
>signals, I have a toggle switch modified from a MK I Sprite sitting in the
>hole in the insturment panel that the panel light dimmer rehostat normally
>goes.  I made this modification soon after purchasing the 3.  She had a
>cracked cheap aftermarket  steering wheel and turn signals via a generic
>toggle switch hanging under the panel.  At that time new steering wheels
>and new heads were unobtainable.
>I have since decided that I like the looks of the Motoleta wheel a LOT more
>than the stock wheel.
>All I need to do now is run green/white, green/red, and green wires out to
>the front of the harnes to tap into that harness without cutting it up.
>There goes my chance of winning the bonnet closed national concourse.
>Celebrating my tenth year on Usenet/Internet
* Lawrence Schilling     *
* Institutional Research *
* So. Ill. University    *
*       *

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