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Re: Six Appeal

Subject: Re: Six Appeal
From: aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu (Tony Robinson)
Date: Fri, 24 May 96 23:08:46 MDT

Hi All,
 This thread has been just too much for me to bear without my sharing a 
couple of experiences with my 68GT6.
 Over the course of building this car, almost everything ordered was 
delivered by UPS. 
 When I finally unveiled the car and it was in the driveway awaiting yet 
another order, when the UPS truck pulled up. The driver promptly jumped 
out and proceeded to gawk and stare, rubbing the sleek lines of the GT 
roof line. He lingered for some fifteen minutes with lots of ooohs and aaahs.
 The first time I have ever seen a UPS driver not going at a full gallop.
 I recently was out for a casual drive and upon approaching a red light, 
noticed the car in front was a super nice Saleen Mustang.
 The instant I pulled up behind him at the light, he was on the ground 
asking me to pull into a nearby parking lot so he could take a look at it.
 Among his graciously accepted compliments and comments was the phrase 
"My Gawd, you should see this thing coming up behind you" The wide tires 
and low slung front end with the open grille and the competition stripe 
down the hood makes it seem like it's looking for prey. 
 This particular GT6 does look for prey. It will be going after bigger 
horses pretty soon with a "built" 2.5 ltr TR6 engine in place of the 
"built" 2 ltr GT6 engine.
 I guess my love affair has gotten out of hand.
 My Wife has moved to another bedroom to make room for the cranks, 
headers, intake manifolds and starters.
Oh well, like Tim Allen says, we all have to grow up, but you can be 
immature at any age.
Tony R.

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