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TR-6 Transmission vent

Subject: TR-6 Transmission vent
From: Peter Firla <bombur@SNET.Net>
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 15:56:26 -0400
Having pondered the source of various oil leaks over time,  I have narrowed
one down to the transmission vent hole which is located in the  front left
corner of the transmission cover. I removed the tunnel, put the car on jack
stands, and ran it in gear. Sure enough, oil  gently gurgles out of that
hole at higher rpms. The oil level is correct, i.e. up to the fill hole, and
I am using 90 weight GL 4. This is an overdrive transmission, probably a
1974. My Triumph pal  Dave does not recall the vent normally being in that
location, nor can we understand why leakage would occur from the top of the
case. The only theory I have is the turbulence which occurs at higher revs
would move the up to the top, but forcing it out seems improbable. TRF
techni-guy is stumped too.

Anyone know where their vent hole is and why yours does not leak??

Peter Firla

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