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Re: Questions for Group

Subject: Re: Questions for Group
Date: Wed 26 Jul 95 13:16:21-EDT
>5)  Last question.  I'm getting a 'whining' sound from the gearbox in  
>    3rd and 4th when I'm above 2,500 rpm and I 'feather' the throttle  
>    (like when you're maintaining speed on a downgrade).  This whine   
>    has a metallic 'echo' to it which leads me to believe it's coming  
>    from the gearbox, not the aforementioned O/D (the case is bigger,  
>    thus the echo).  This noise has been with me since I bought the    
>    car, about 3,000 miles ago, and hasn't changed.  The PO told me    
>    the engine and gearbox had been rebuilt and, by her estimation,    
>    they should have less than 15,000 miles on them.  Should I figure  
>    on rebuilding the gearbox this winter?>
     If the gearbox was not rebuilt properly that could be the problem.
Also if you have slop in the rear diff that can give whining sounds at
high speeds.  However one of the more commonly overlooked caused is a
rusted together drive shaft.  The drive shaft expands and contracts on
splines and if the two sections of the drive shaft are rusted together
this puts stress on the output bearings of the trans giving the whining
sound.  The drive shaft can rust together if it was never lubed with some
grease.  Some drive shafts have a grease nipple and some don't.

>Many thanks for any and all replies!
No problem.

> "When all else fails, use a hammer..."   *
      I don't think so Tim.


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