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Re: Idle speed

To: Doug Mitchell <>
Subject: Re: Idle speed
From: Greg Meboe <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 11:22:38 -0700 (PDT)
On Mon, 22 May 1995, Doug Mitchell wrote:

> Worldly Scions and Tr. devotees,

> 1) I have installed a set of dual SUs, 1 1/2 inch units from a non-US
> model. The idle speed is sitting at about 2000 rpm, and the only way
> to get it ti come down is to adjust the timing. I don't want to change
> the timing, as I  have it set where it needs to be. Any suggestions?

You may have leaky throttle shaft bushings.  Check them for wear.  I 
assume you have the high idle while the idle screws are removed.  Somehow 
you are getting air into the engine, so if it's not coming through the carbs, 
it's a significant vacuum leak.  What's your PCV system look like?  Do 
you have a good manifold-head seal?

> 2) Has anyone else put these carbs on a Spit determined the best way
> to install the choke? I am about to fabricate a complicated linkage.
> The simple way doesn't work, as I cannot pull/push the cable.

        What choke you use depends on exactly which carburettors you have 
fitted.  Are they H4's or HS4's?  The H4's I had on my 1296 street motor 
didn't have any choke for 9 months because I didn't have any good ideas for 
6 months (I was lazy the other three).  Tell us what type of carbs you have 
and I'm sure we'll be able to help you figure out a good choke solution.

                            Greg Meboe
                            Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
                            Washington State University,  Pullman, Wa.
                            '85 XJ-12 H.E. (daily)  '67 Spit-6 '74 TR-6

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