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Re: Getting my hood open.

To: ("Ronald Grant")
Subject: Re: Getting my hood open.
From: Ian Clough <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 95 12:17:49 EDT
Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]
> Last Saturday I pushed the TR into the garage to begin my project, 
> but I could not get the hood open. No matter how hard I pull on the 
> cable latch it would not open.  I've been going out to my garage 
> every evening after I get home from work and pulling on that bloody hood 
> cable latch and it won't budge.  I think the hood latch itself has rusted 
> and frozen.  It's not a kink in the cable, the latch never worked 
> great, but the latch was working when I blew the engine in 88.
This happened to me. The problem is in the design of the North American
TRs with LH steering - the cable is too long and cumbersome, it was intended
to be on the right side.

To get your hood open, go to the passenger side, with a flashlight, an extended
wire coat hanger (with a hook at the end and flat everywhere else), and some
non-scratching device to pry up the corner of the hood. Pry the hood up enough
to get the hanger in, keep the light on the latch assembly - there's a bolt
on the top where the cable-from-hell joins it. Get the wire hook around it
and give it a good pull! Make sure to have a healthy supply of beer on hand,
this might take a while.

This happened to me twice and I vowed "NEVER AGAIN" so I moved the hood cable
handle end to the glove box, thus reducing the cable length and number of
twists and bends in the cable.

Good luck and remember to not pry your hood up too far or it will warp.

Ian Clough
Ottawa, Canada
'74 TR6

If anyone knows where I can get 4 fenders cheap I'd like to hear from them at


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