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Re: Car mileage

Subject: Re: Car mileage
From: Marcus Tooze <>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 09:33:02 -0500
> Someone was talking about their TR-250 and how they thought it had the
> original redlines from 1968.  Not that I'm doubting the writer about his car
> or anything, but don't ya'll think 28,000 miles is an awfully small amout for
> a car that is 27 years old?

Yes....but there are quite a few cars out
there with minimal mileage. I sold a TR6 last year w/ 33k original. There
is one in downstate IL with only 17k on it (original owner). I
sold a '66 Buick for a friend last only had 34k on it....

> Are there any slueths out there that might have some ideas to help figue out
> if some of these old TR's have 30 or 130 thousand miles.  I'm thinking of
> checking something like suspension or something.  30K wouldn't wear it out,
> but 130K definitely would. 

EVERYTHING would be worn out by 130k if it were all original equipment!!!
Pedal pads are a fave indicator of mileage for me.

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