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Moving driver's seat back in a TR6...?

Subject: Moving driver's seat back in a TR6...?
From: Jacob ben-David Zimmerman <>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 19:01:35 EDT
Hi all!  I have retrieved my baby from winter storage (cheers and huzzahs) and
have something I'd like to get off my chest and, to keep the content high, a

First, I'd like to note that my TR6 has been sitting in a garage since early
December, covered, with a full tank and stabilizer added, up on stands with
garbage bags over her redwalls, but no other storage prep.  So, offering prayer
to the Gods of Lucas, I set forth on Amtrak for New Jersey last Sat. morn with
trepidation in my heart, no return ticket, and a backpack full of Bentley
Manual and a colortune and carb tool and...etc.  Anyhow, dropped her off the
rack, applied choke, turned key, and...she caught on the *second* crank. Ran
like a Swiss watch from then until she deposited me in Cambridge, MA, some
4 hours later. Sigh. :-) :-) :-) As my esteemed colleague Mr. Lang would say,
228 miles on the clock, four hours top down.

And now, the question:
Being a somewhat large individual, I always exit my TR after trips with a
crick in my knees from having to keep them bent, the right leg especially bent
almost sideways so as to hit the gas pedal and still clear the steering wheel.
I checked the seat tracks and I am as far back as they go.  Is there any
structural reason the seat tracks can't be moved back, say three inches, on
the car? I understand I'd probably have to drill holes or some such; I'm just
curious as to whether or not there's anything other than sheet metal in the
way. I have about four inches between the seat and the 'hump' in back.  I'd go
check, but she's off at the shop getting checked and her inspection sticker. 



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