Thanks for all the suggestions, answers, and offers.
Curtis, I like the "make it yourself" solution the best. Kinda
keeps me in touch with the car. I can tell that this must have
been a Frank Clarici idea. (Thanks Frank!) I'm gonna first try to
fabricate one outa some black vinyl I have handy. If that
doesn't make it, I'll try the black leather solution.
I really asked the question 'cause I could not believe that
what I saw was all there was. I spent almost an hour looking
for where the strap shoulda fastened inside the door. No
Luck! It doesn't. You'ld think Haynes/Bentley/Porter
mighta mentioned that?
Again, many thanks to all for all the kind advice, offers, and
whatnot. My ego tells me to try to make one first. (Then whine
for more help.)