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Re: Timing or Carbs?

To: Fred Thomas <vafred@erols.com>
Subject: Re: Timing or Carbs?
From: James Carruthers <j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk>
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2003 00:12:48 +0100
Who's this J.C., Fred? Do I know him? :)

<simulated tear jerking oscar style speech>Well, I'd like to thank my 
mum (for, um, lets just say, being *persuaded* that this car was a good 
idea), my dad (for being an extra pair of hands whenever I've taken on 
the bigger jobs - even though he know's less than I do), the P.O. for 
selling me a car that has seemingly fallen to pieces since, the car 
itself for giving me a perpetual grin.... hmmm... have I forgot 
anyone... oh yes, last and most importantly of all THE LIST!

A short time back...? precisely 1 1/2 years now... (also coinciding with 
3 years of me being let loose on public roads) and my passion has only 
grown for this car. I must admit that there have been low points though 
- but they've only made me stronger.

I still have a lot to learn - I've only scratched the surface - but at 
least on the odd occasion I can give back to the group now.

Resume grin position,


Fred Thomas wrote:

>>The butterflies may not be properly aligned in the carb - and not be
>>closing correctly. You might also have a stuck or broken valve on the
>>butterfly - if you have the emission type. I solved a similar problem by
>>getting butterfly that have no holes or valves in them.
>>Take the carbs off and take a look at the butterflies - you can adjust
>>them on the spindle - relax off the throttle screws, undo the screw on the
>>butterfly and flick them a couple of times - then do the screw up again.
>>The butterflies (if Ive got the name right) are the brass coloured valves
>>that are on the spindles.
>> James
>Seems I can remember just a very short time back a young man bought a
>Spitfire and in order to better learn as much as he could about his cars
>upkeep he joined this list and started asking some very good probing
>questions on the does & don'ts of maintenance, now move the clock forward
>just a very short time and he is carrying on the tradition of helping others
>as he has learned, thats what makes this list and the owners of these cars
>so great, very proud of you J.C.   "FT"

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