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lack of power

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: lack of power
From: Alan Lemen <ralemen@cableone.net>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 13:12:51 -0700
Some time ago you may remember by fuel pump problem. Well I have the new 
one now and after the dumping gas episode with a stuck float valve it 
was running fine. So today with the sun out and feels like spring is 
here, I took the car out. Started OK as it's been a couple of week since 
she last ran. Got around the corner and she started running rough with 
very little power. Managed to trundle back around the block home. Could 
not see anything wrong. Managed to get her running fine again after 
checking that there was fuel, but she did it again this time it was 
about 1/2 mile from home when the gremlins struck again. I tried to see 
if there was a pressure build up in the gas tank and even tried to run 
with the top open but still no luck. so persuaded her home again and 
still can't see what gives. She now runs fine again, but I suspect that 
driving back out she'll loose power again.

Any ideas as I checked the obvious even to making sure there is fuel in 
both fuel bowls.

This is twin SU HS4 and a mechanical pump. Last time out she ran really 


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