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RE: Clutch Problem?

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Clutch Problem?
From: "David Armitage" <David.Armitage@nottingham.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2002 10:06:29 +0100

I had a similar problem with the slave cylinder, although mine was not
loosing fluid, but allowing air in and so not fully releasing the
clutch. I drove it like this for quite some time while fiddling with
different things to try and get it fixed. The end result was that the
synchros on second and third are now quite badly worn and unless I
double declutch my gers grind. I'd definitely try and make certain the
clutch is dissengaging fully... quite how I'm not sure. I'd guess
putting the back of the car on axel stands, starting the engine and
putting her into first while keeping the clutch pedal to the floor, then
get a helper to carefully see if the back wheels are rotating with any

Does the clutch release arm have a return spring? Most don't but mine
did. Unless there's and adjustor with it it's best left disconnected.

Good luck,


1967 MkII Spit
1965 Morris Minor 1000

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