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Re: Clutch Problem?

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Clutch Problem?
From: "Sue Pace" <S.Pace@mailbox.gu.edu.au>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 16:20:14 +1000

I had a problem with my gearbox recently.

I'd had the gearbox rebuilt as part of my restoration, and everything 
worked fine for over 6 months.  Then one day, as I was approaching a 
roundabout (I love roundabouts!), I couldn't change down to second - at 

My partner (and Spitfire restorer/mechanic) thought that it was probably a 
leak from either the master or slave cylinders, but when he checked, the 
fluid levels were fine.  We took the gearbox out, and sent it to our 
Triumph mechanic, who discovered that a surclip had come off.  He had a 
new surclip made, and made the groove it was supposed to stay in deeper, 
so that it couldn't bounce off again.  I've had no problems with the 
gearbox - or clutch - since.

I don't know if this is the same or related problem, but I hope I've given 
you another suggestion to think about.


Sue Pace
Computing Training Officer
Information Literacy Services 
Griffith University  Nathan
Queensland  Australia 4111 
ph 61 7 3875 6453
fax 61 7 3875 7845

> Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 19:14:03 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Jambone <jambone6@yahoo.com>
> Listers,
>  I could use some advice, suggestions, encouragement, and whatever else 
you got.  I am a bit down as my usually very reliable Spit is causing me 
grief.  Here's the story...
> I'm driving it in to work one morning, and shifting becomes troublesome. 
 With the clutch to the floor, some shifts still grind the gears a bit.  I 
return home as gently as possible.  I find that the clutch master cylinder 
reservoir is dry.  I add fluid, bleed the system, and things return to 
normal... for awhile.  Reservoir level drops pretty quickly.  I can see 
that the master cylinder doesn't have a leak, but the slave cylinder looks 
suspicious.  I bought a rebuild kit for it and replaced the rubber bits. 
Re-installed it and bled the system again.  The car drove great for about 
a day.
> Next day, more trouble shifing gears, particularly from 3rd to 4th.  In 
3rd gear, sometimes the shift lever likes to move towards 4th as I slow 
down using the engine, and more towards the front of the car when 
accelerating.  I think that's how it goes - the point is that the lever 
moves around in 3rd.  I have never noticed this before.
> Today, I bled the system like crazy and double-checked that the slave 
cylinder mates with the clutch pushrod properly.  I haven't lost any fluid 
since the rebuild - the reservoir level is constant.
> So, any ideas what is causing my symptoms?  Is it possibly a tranny 
problem?  The Haynes manual says something about adjusting the clutch 
pedal as a fix for "excessive difficulty in engaging gear" - I don't see 
anywhere to adjust the pedal.  Please help!
> Thanks in advance,
> Brian Hill

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