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Re: Delco vs Lucas

To: "Mitchell, Doug (D.B.)" <dmitchel@ford.com>
Subject: Re: Delco vs Lucas
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 08:36:34 -0700
"Mitchell, Doug (D.B.)" wrote:
> The '73s and '74s were marketed as Spitfire 1500s in the States,
> not as Mark IVs. The problem was that they were hybrid cars. (or
> bas*ards). Essentially, they were Mark IVs with 1500 lumps, but
> they are the same, except for the single-rail transmission, as the
> '75-on 1500s. The only other difference is the badging, they have
> a similar badge to the Mark IV, with Spitfire 1500 on it.
> Cheers,
> Doug

Let me expand a bit on that.  There were a few of the US Spec. early 1500's 
assembled in Belgium.  I don't know why, but suspect it was to take
advantage of excess capacity in that facility.  At any rate, they are more like 
mkIV's than the cars assembled in the UK.  They had 3-rail gearboxes
and the interior trim was virtually all MkIV.


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