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Re: speaker installation

To: "Spitfire list" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: speaker installation
From: "Tod Jones" <todjones@rica.net>
Date: Sun, 5 May 2002 21:46:06 -0400
I have a 45 watt per channel (x 4) sterio.  2-6 x 9 150 watt capable
speakers in standard 6x9 boxes on the back shelf and 2-5 1/2 120 watt
capable speakers in the front glove boxes in coustom built boxes. At highway
speeds 55-70 mph I have to have the radio up to 20-25 (30 max) just to hear
it. I have pacesetter headers and monza exaust. I might be loosing my
hearing but d*** ZZtop sounds great! Lots of thums up and enjoyment.   ;-)

Tod Jones
Harrisonburg VA.
67 Spit Mk II

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