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Re: waterpump question

To: "Spitfire List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Re: waterpump question
From: "Luke Lewis" <lukage@rogers.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 07:44:14 -0500
Severely rusted?  Up here in the Rust Belt (Salt Belt, more like), that'd be
a find!  Both my cars are/were in that shape when I got them. (Of course, I
paid the equivalent of $450 and $650 US for them...)  Sills, rockers, floors
and dogleg panels are maintenance items up here if you drive your car daily,
or even 10 months of the year as I do... they need changing more frequently
than thrust washers or trunnions! :-)


'71 Spit "Fireball" - 3 year old floors disintegrating nicely
'74 Spit "Mouse House" - yet to be done

> BTW, your car is severely rusted.  Before spending a lot of time and $$$
> the engine, y0ou should think about how you will deal with that, or if it
> even worth it.
> Doug Braun
> '72 Spit
> At 03:11 PM 3/18/02 , you wrote:
> >Hello all,
> >   This weekend I tore apart the water pump becuase the pully wasn't
turning at all.  I also wanted to change the thermostat.
> >Now my question is, there is a big silver 'thing' attatched to the pully
that i cannot get off.  Every book i have looked in there is no such device
attatched to the pully.
> >   Has anyone had any experience with these or know how to get it off?  I
need to get it off so i can disassemble the rest of it.
> >Here are some pictures i took of it as i was taking it apart.
> >http://angelfire.com/d20/davies_stuff/cars/waterpump.html
> >Thanks,
> >   Dave
> >   '68 Spit MK3

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