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Re: Ally Pally Show Review - and too good to be true gadgets

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Ally Pally Show Review - and too good to be true gadgets
From: Robert J Finnis <r.finnis@eim.surrey.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 12:32:34 +0000

I would have liked to go to the show, but I have a coursework deadline in a 
week so I was in the darkroom all weekend trying to get all my printing done.  
It's probably the closes show to me (Guildford) as well.  Pity.

Anyway, opinions....

>Gadget Numero One:    The Fuel Cat - a gauze slug with metal (lead?)
Not convinced by the sales patter.  Sounds too good to actually work, but I've 
never tried it.

>Gadget Numero Two:    The Spitfire
Also sold as a Powerball by another company.  Sold for between #20 and #30 
depending on the show (kit car shows seem to be the cheapest).  I have one and 
it seems to work.  Improves economy by about 3-4mpg.  It does seem to improve 
the mid range power, but you only notice that when you take it off and find 
yourself changing gears more often.  Mine did cause a little extra radio 
interference though.
Worth the cash - probably, but you can survive without.


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