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thrust washer lube

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: thrust washer lube
From: "Fred Griffiths" <griffco@cadvision.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 16:58:25 -0700
Well, I found the article on drilling an oil hole in the block for the rear
thrust washer.  Ted Schumaker had written it in the Spit & GT6 magazine.

So I contacted Ted and asked him what size hole.  He replied - let the machine
shop decide what size!

So I asked my machine shop guy today and he said - he doesn't recommend doing
this because:
Ford tried it one time, found that the increased oil pressure on the rear
thrust washer caused premature failure of the front washer.

Now I'm really stymied - to drill or not to drill, that is the question.  And
if I drill, what size is good?

I am of the opinion that thrust washers fail too early due to lack of lube -
they rely soley on spash oiling, but how to improve that lube?

Any other thoughts?

Cheers, Fred

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