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RE: Joke/Humor

To: Spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Joke/Humor
From: Jdgar0649@aol.com
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 22:19:13 EST
I do not know about others experience with 'Soft'ware.  My Wife 1.0 had 
several problems and quit working for me entirely within 8 months (It seemed 
to work fine for others during that period), Uninstall was pretty simple, 
albiet somewhat painful.  Wife 2.0 really never worked well over 18yrs, I 
kept getting error messages!!!  Very fortunately I was able to find Wife 3.0. 
 I am very happy with this 'Soft'ware and the only regret is that I didn't 
just wait until Version 3.0 was available in the first place.  (If she sees 
this post I will be looking for Version 4)                 
The other, other Joe

Joe Garrison
Edmond, OK

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