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RE: Joke/Humor

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Joke/Humor
From: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 00:02:37 EST
I have the programs cat, version 18.0 and 10.0. Version 18 seems to be having 
intermittent trouble with it's vertical ascent option, but otherwise runs 
perfectly. Version 10.0 retains too much hard drive space for it's use, but 
so far all attempts to curb 10.0's consumption rate have been defeated. Many 
"illegal function" errors have caused me to allow it consume hard drive space 
freely. This summer I installed Great Dane version 3.0. Unfortunately it was 
a used version and seems to have no audio input abilities or pigmentation 
abilities in it's programming. But audio output is much more than 
satisfactory. This causes much conflict with another program I have, Pissy 
neighbor (version unknown). A slight preference change in Great Dane 3.0 now 
can cause Pissy neighbor program to release contents of recycle bin 
involuntarily! So far this is best function of Great Dane 3.0 I have yet 
found. Similar results can be seen any time any unknown program comes near 
Great Dane 3.0's memory block.
                        (version-Prototype, useful application not yet found)

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