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RE: how big - Jumping In - and the LBC Olympics

To: "'James Carruthers'" <j.carruthers@rave.ac.uk>,
Subject: RE: how big - Jumping In - and the LBC Olympics
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 09:07:05 -0000
I do this from time to time - in the summer when I feel confident to leave
the car parked with the top down.  However, I have yet to perfect the
'leapfrog from behind' approach used by Austin Powers to enter his
'Shaguar'!  Actually, now I think about it, he may even have somersaulted
over the boot to land in the drivers seat - there's no way I'm trying that!!

As for the LBC Olympics, how about the 'gymnastic contortion to reach in
behind the dashboard'

Or for cars with solonoid-engaged starters (e.g. MGB) the 'stretch to hold
the ignition key on while simultaneously hitting the starter solonoid with a

The '4x100m relay pushing the car that won't start'

The 'push the car with a dead battery then leap in and engage 2nd' (similar
to the start of a bob-sleigh race)

And for sheer endurance, the 'sitting in the car in the height of summer
with the heater on full blast because you need to cool the engine more than

Richard & Daffy

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