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Re: how big - Jumping In - and the LBC Olympics

To: spit <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Re: how big - Jumping In - and the LBC Olympics
From: "Laura Gharazeddine" <laura.g@141.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 12:07:23 -0700
>Talking of "jumping in" - are there any athletic types who can 

jump in to their
>spit? like in the movies?
>Together with a competition for putting the hood up - I think we 

could start a
>new LBC Olympics.
>Although driving down a steep hill in the wet in my spit is a 

little too close
>to bobsleigh for my liking.....


>1977 Pimento Red

I have! It was at Triumphest in Ventura-we were doing the Le Mans 
start and they had one guy timing and another guy hold the door 
open for the competitor. I had said that I didn'treally need 
anyone to hold the door for me-but they insisted. So we watched 
the clock come around and I ran out to the car and when I 
arrived-Izzy closed the door! So I jumped!-and took off-it was one 
of my better times that I made in that event! 

When my drivers side door was stuck, a couple of winters ago, I 
used to jump out with quite a flourish-usually dressed in aviator 
jacket and boots! Until, one morning-one bright, cold, cold 
morning I was at the car wash and I jumped out -and EVERYONE was 
there-but my foot caught on the seat belt and my shins made 
contact with the top of the door and I landed on my knee and 
hands. OUCH!!! My knee didn't even bruise-but it SWELLED! Quite 
large and quite painful. I went limping into Dave's (afer the car 
was all clean and shiny). Dave took a look at me and said,"I think 
it's time to fix that door." Actually, the guy who owned the car 
wash had called and told him.

Nowadays, I jump in and out every so often-to "keep my hand in"! 

BTW-it's hell on the upholstry.

Laura G.                 

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