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RE: knocking noise

To: "'John Hobson'" <goalie_john@yahoo.co.uk>,
Subject: RE: knocking noise
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 08:54:16 -0000

A couple of questions and/or observations:

Firstly, is the knocking proportional to your actual forward road speed, or
your engine speed?  i.e. if you change up a gear, does the knocking keep the
same frequency or reduce in frequency?  This will help identify if it really
is an engine problem, or a driveline problem.

Secondly, I have my doubts as to it being a problem with the driveline (the
UJs or any other part) since I can't see why that would prevent you revving
over 3500rpm - the lack of power definitely points to an engine problem.

Thirdly, I assume you have checked your timing?  Or does in not sound
anything like a timing problem noise?

Fourthly, I'm sorry to hear that Saskia's return to the road isn't the
moment of unadulterated joy that it should be!  Persevere, it WILL be worth
it.  Definitely.  We all have our moments of frustration, but they do pass!

Richard & Daffy
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