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Re: carb tuning idle speed problem

To: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Subject: Re: carb tuning idle speed problem
From: "T. .R. Dafforn" <td214@cam.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 12:40:54 +0000
Hi James,
Best way of checking what Richard Gosling said is to get hold of some spray carb
cleaner (useful stuff, cleans carbs!! but also good for looking for vacuum 
leaks and
even starting the car, just squirt some down the carb throats!).
Spray the cleaner around where you think the air leak is, and listen to the 
tone. If it changes, you've found the leak!
Richard Gosling wrote:


Tim Dafforn
University of Cambridge
Structural Medicine Unit
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 2XY.
Tel. (01223) 763230
Fax. (01223) 336827

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