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Re: carb tuning idle speed problem

To: "James Carruthers" <jcarruthers@freenet.co.uk>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: carb tuning idle speed problem
From: Dan Canaan <Flinters@picarefy.com>
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 10:00:58 -0800
At 05:31 PM 11/3/01 +0000, James Carruthers wrote:

>Ive checked the throttle levers are going all the way closed - and pretty
much everything I can think of - with my limited mechanical knowledge.
>Any suggestions?

If the levers are seated and the carbs are closed, but you can't change the
RPM's for the idle by adjusting the carbs (except by adjusting the jets
below the carbs), it would indicate that the engine is getting the air that
should be coming through the carbs from someplace else.  I would look for
an intake leak either in the intake manifold gaskets or in a vacuum line
someplace.  A leak in either would mess up your base line idle.
 |             |   1968 Triumph Spitfire Mk III   *   Furry Artist      |
 |  Flinthoof  |--------------------------------------------------------|
 |     Dan     |--------------------------------------------------------| 
 |    Canaan   |     ConiFur NorthWest 2001 - Furries in Seattle!       |
 |             |--------------------------------------------------------|
 | CONIFUR NW  |   Flinters@picarefy.com * http://jarmac.picarefy.com   |

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