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Re: Spitfire Painting Saga, finally completed

To: Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou <doug@dougbraun.com>
Subject: Re: Spitfire Painting Saga, finally completed
From: Trevor Boicey <tboicey@brit.ca>
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2001 03:10:01 -0400
Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou wrote:
> I'm wondering:  How much of the time and hassle is the prep vs the actual 
> Or:  What is the most intelligent way to divide the various prep/painting 
> between yourself and a shop?  My car already has a crummy, peeling, DPO
> paint job over the original, so it might need serious stripping or sanding.

  When I did my Magnette, I did all the metalwork, patch
replacement, and so on. I prefer to do this work over
the shop, I can take my time, make sure it's as concours
as I want it to be, be sure I get all the rust cut out,

  When I delivered the car to the shop, it was all
baremetal in all the rusty areas, with new patches and
panels but beads only roughly smoothed.

  They stripped the rest of the paint, ground my beads
smooth, did all the filling and sanding, and painted

  I think this is the best approach, since then they
never put anything on top of any chemical I put on, and
they also see the entire car in the metal before applying

Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada, tboicey@brit.ca
ICQ #17432933 http://www.brit.ca/~tboicey/
"Hey! I asked for Ketchup, I'm eating salad down here!" - Homer

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