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Re: Spitfire Painting Saga, finally completed

To: Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou <doug@dougbraun.com>
Subject: Re: Spitfire Painting Saga, finally completed
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2001 21:58:09 -0700
Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou wrote:
> I'm wondering:  How much of the time and hassle is the prep vs the actual 
> Or:  What is the most intelligent way to divide the various prep/painting 
> between yourself and a shop?  My car already has a crummy, peeling, DPO
> paint job over the original, so it might need serious stripping or sanding.
> Thanks,
> Doug Braun
> '72 Spit

I'll venture into this one!  In my opinion, few of us are capable of doing a 
proper preparation for a top notch paint job.  While it is rather easy to
disassemble the car and even weld in patch panels, it isn't so very easy to 
apply moderate amounts of body filler and to block the surface so that
edges or minute dings don't show up.

It is the preparation that generally makes the most difference in the quality 
of the paint job.  In a proper environment and with only moderate
experience, anyone with a decant gun can do a very nice job of spraying (even 

For my money, I tend to do all the replacement of panels and other rough work 
that I am capable of and then turn it over to the professional to do the
rest.  My rational for not spraying is that I'd hate to ruin a good prep job if 
I goofed!  Besides it's the prep and the cost of the paint, not the
actual application that is expensive.

Just my humble opinion,


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