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Re: Yeeeeeeee-ha!

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>, Michael Hargreave Mawson
Subject: Re: Yeeeeeeee-ha!
From: "Laura Gharazeddine" <Laura.G@141.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 01:04:40 -0600
>In article <200108290033.AA157810898@141.com>, Laura Gharazeddine
><Laura.G@141.com> writes
>>>I hope you put an overdrive in there if you were going through 
>>all that
>>>trouble and expense anyway...
>>Nope. I went with a regular 1500 transmission. After much 
>>discussion, driving, 'research' and thought, I decided that I 
>>really do like my car the way it is! And it really does drive 
>>wonderfully. (It's not exactly stock, you know.) Also, all the 
>>stories I hear about o/d not working etc. put me off. (A friend 

>>mine has this problem-he loves it when it works-when being the 
>>operative word.) 
>Very interested to hear that you made this choice.   When I first 

>Carly, and started learning about Spitfires, I made an instant 

>to replace the standard gearbox with an OD gearbox as soon as the 

>wore out.   As I learnt more about Spitfires, and found things 

such as
>the Autocar mileage figures for both OD and non-OD cars, I became 

>sceptical.   As far as I can see, the only real advantage to OD 

is to
>keep the revs down when cruising at high speed, which should help 

>prolong engine life.   Given that Spitty engines seem to last at 

>150,000 miles if well-maintained, this is not exactly a top 

priority for

Thank you for supporting me! 

People have said, "(hrumph!) You've obviously never driven a 
Spitfire with o/d!" Well, I have. Of course, they were more stock 
than mine and hadn't had all the engine work, but I found it 
nothing terribly special. Nigel's cam doesn't even kick in until 
above 4k rpms-and then it's so sweet! That's about 70-75 mph. So, 
if I'm in fourth, with overdrive, and doing that speed and 
switched to o/d, the engine would drop about 1,000 rpms-which 
means I'd have to speed up to get the cam to kick in again?

My engine is well maintained, and I only drive about 10,000 miles 
a year...so...

I am curious and looking forward to taking Nigel up to San 
Francisco for a long-ish weekend in November. I haven't been on 
that long a trip with him before (about 8 hours of driving)-and 
all alone! (Eeee!) I've only been as far as half way there-and 
felt totally battered at the end!

So, based on the performance, I made my decision. Mike-if you ever 
get out here, you've got to have a drive. 

>What is more important, to my mind, is to preserve examples 

of the
>cars as they came off the production line.   The number of people
>swapping standard gearboxes for OD gearboxes at the moment 

suggests to
>me that in a decade or so, you and I'll have the only Spitfires 

>standard gearboxes left in the world!

Well, Nigel's engine is a little too tweaked to be "as they came 
off the production line"... but it is the original engine. Of 
course there's the Weber and the oil cooler, but at least it's not 
some sort of engine switch. (Augh!) When I looked at the Spitfire 
racing at Monterey, her engine didn't look that different from 
mine! (Of course, that was on the outside-who knows what's been 
done to it on the *inside* where no one can see!) 

With all the engine swapping and gear box swapping, someday Nigel 
and Carly might be two very rare beasties indeed!

>>So, I'm a very happy camper indeed and am really quite happy 

>>my choice to not go to o/d.
>Very glad to hear that Nigel's heart transplant went so well. :-)

Thanks. Of course, it was only a used transmission...maybe in a 
couple of years we'll be able to get him a brand spanking new one!

With the clutch and tranny-and a new spring on the throttle 
cable-(and the brake adjustment of a couple of weeks ago)-it feels 
like such a different car now! The pedals all feel stiffer, the 
gear shift tighter, the noises and vibrations not what I'm used 
to! It's like getting accustomed to a whole new car! (Ok, half a 
new car!) It needs a bit more aggressive driving style than I've 
been using on him for the last 6 months or so since he was 

I wonder what will be next-because (altogether now!) "It *never* 
ends! There's *always* something!"

Laura G. -and a rejuvenated Nigel (All clean and shiny and sitting 
in his carport, covered.)

p.s.-put the radio back in today, as it had been removed for the 
"transplant". Took me all of 20 minutes! I'm much more comfortable 
now with electrical systems and wiring especially since I've 
started work on pyrotechnics!                   

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