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RE: Classic Car Restoration factory in China

To: "'Jeff McNeal'" <jmcneal@ohms.com>,
Subject: RE: Classic Car Restoration factory in China
From: Craig Smith <CraigS@iewc.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 12:15:44 -0600
Let's re-focus here folks...

Spitfires, Cars, fixing them, driving them.
This string needs to go somewhere else.

Might I suggest the dumper !?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff McNeal [mailto:jmcneal@ohms.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 11:07 AM
To: Richard B Gosling; spitfires
Subject: Re: Classic Car Restoration factory in China

> Sorry to wade in here, but I think Dayton is getting beaten up here a bit
> I can't remember who accused him of being a 'newcomer', but he's been on
>  list at least as long as I have (a couple of years now), I have noticed
>  input, and he has frequently offered to help members who want to buy
>  that he could source for them cheaply in China.  As for any suggestions
>  dodgy business practice, poor quality, or other such stuff, this seems a
>  little harsh before the enterprise is even set up, let alone any evidence
>  available.  Although I'm still not sure what the quality of his own car
>  in this context...

I totally agree.  Dayton has been around the list longer than I have, but a
sporadic contributor because of his travels, Internet access in China, etc.
> Spitfire ownership is already a global experience - that is why this list
>  made up of Brits, Americans, Canadians, Dutch, South Africans, Kiwis,
>  Austrians etc.  Why should the Chinese be excluded from enjoying
>  and other classics?  As for the export of cars from America, well that is
>  already happening, as many cars are re-imported from America to the UK
>  (particularly TR6s for some reason).  And, Jeff, you didn't seem to have
>  moral mis-givings about buying Mrs. Jones, who had been dragged from her
>  original home in the UK (OK, I'm stretching a point here, as the
>  were rather different).

Richard, you are correct that Mrs. Jones came from the U.K.  About 20 years
ago.  I purchased the car from an owner in Chicago who purchased it as his
personal vehicle while stationed in the service in the U.K.  A private party
transaction is something quite different than a volume based, commercial
venture, I would think.  It was easy to forego any moral misgivings when the
car was sold to me at a fair market value and in need of much work.

Then again, every Spitfire in the world came via the U.K., if you really
want to be a stickler for detail!

Best wishes,

Jeff McNeal
editor & publisher
"The Internet's Definitive Source for DVD Ratings & Reviews"

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