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Re: Spitfire books (was: Spitfire 1500 tools)

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Spitfire books (was: Spitfire 1500 tools)
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 08:26:01 +0000
In article <>, Eric
Kieboom <ekieboom@xs4all.nl> writes
>At 08:59 24-2-2001 +0000, Michael Hargreave Mawson wrote:
>>Eric Kieboom <ekieboom@xs4all.nl> writes
>>>No pictures, but there are photos and some info on pages 35, 52 and 103 of
>>>"Triumph Spitfire & GT6 - a Guide to Originality".
>>It sounds as though I need to get my hands on a copy of this - I see the
>>TSSC offers them for #23.95.   They also have "The Complete Guide to
>>Spitfire/GT6" by Graham Robson for #16.95 - has anyone got this?   Is it
>>worth getting as well as/instead of the "Guide to Originality"?
>Robson's book deals more with the car's ancestry, development and history
>and less with the details of originality. It's a good, informative read.
>The one I think anyone can do without after the Guide to Originality and
>Robson's book is the fairly recently published "Triumph Spitfire and GT6 -
>The Complete Story". IMHO, it really doesn't add much to the first two.

Ah.   That's a little awkward, since the adverts in the TSSC mag show
two books by Graham Robson, one entitled "Triumph Spitfire & GT6" and
captioned "The Complete Guide to Spitfire/GT6" and one entitled "Triumph
Spitfire and GT6" and captioned "Spitfire/GT6 Collector's Guide".   The
former is in portrait format, the latter in landscape.   Which is the
one to avoid?

Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea,"
to be published by Greenhill Books on 28th March, 2001:

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