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Drive resister, drive enabler, and waking Rip Van Spitfire.

To: "Spitlist" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Drive resister, drive enabler, and waking Rip Van Spitfire.
From: "Bill Gingerich" <wrgingerich@qwest.net>
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 16:21:08 -0600
Greetings, Fellow Listers!

I guess I feel lucky to have a wonderful drive enabler.  Though not original
equipment, I've found that this particular model fits perfectly in both
Spits, the GT6, and all past and present motorcycles.  What's possibly just
as amazing is that this one works equally well with my computer and ham
radio equipment.  Sorry folks, this model is a one-off.  No more in its'
production run.

On to the more technical stuff.    Rip Van Spitfire (the '73) has been
sleeping peacefully for about 4 years.  Nothing in known about the
preservation techniques were used before his long slumber.  Despite all the
rain, sleet, freezing rain, and snow we're getting around here this weekend,
I'm starting to think about waking the old boy up.  Planned preparations
include oil & filter, fuel filter, fresh gas, rebuilt carb, and new coolant.
What other things should I be considering?  Rip is not going to be driven,
but I am planning to transplant his engine into my '74 (Frankenspit?) so I
have one car to drive while Rip undergoes vigorous physical conditioning.
Since he (supposedly) ran well before his nap, I'm hoping to avoid major
surgery.  During the transplant I plan to replace all the gaskets I can -
other than the head gasket.

Other medical opinions gratefully accepted.


Frankenspit - 1974
Rip Van Spitfire - 1973
Dorian - primer Gray 1971 GT6

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