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Re: How to? Seized Bolts!

To: Nolan Penney <npenney@mde.state.md.us>
Subject: Re: How to? Seized Bolts!
From: mark holbrook <rolling_rock_12@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 07:44:52 -0800 (PST)
It seems like cutting the damn thing was the fastest
and most effective method.
--- Nolan Penney <npenney@mde.state.md.us> wrote:
> I also used to use Kano's many penetrants.  Kroil,
> Silikroil, etc.  Now they just sit on my shelf,
> gathering dust, because I found something much
> better.
> Liquid Wrench *WITH TEFLON*.  It's in a teal can. 
> Regular Liquid Wrench isn't worth a darn, but the
> formulation with teflon is superb.  Breaks things
> free every bit as well as Kroil, PB Blaster and
> others.  
> What makes it stand out from the others is what
> happens once the part is broken free.  Most times,
> you end up galling threads on all the rust
> particles.  The Liquid Wrench *WITH TEFLON*
> lubricates real well, and the parts just spin off. 
> Many times I've used the wrench to break the part
> free, and then been able to spin it off (or out)
> with my fingers.
> >>> <PorscheRcr@aol.com> 02/05 10:52 PM >>>
> In a message dated 02/05/2001 12:48:49 PM Pacific
> Standard Time, 
> jjcon2@yahoo.com writes:
> << Kroil
>   I found this to be amazing stuff.  Comes in an
> orange
>  aerosol can.  More expensive than WD-40, but works
>  many times better. >>
> In my experience as a maintenance mechanic at a
> shipyard I used Kroil a lot, 
> and always thought it was close to magic.  I've
> found something in the past 
> year though that works even better.  It's an oil
> called "Breakfree CLP" .  I 
> bought it at a gun store on the recommendation of my
> old apprentice 
> instructor and I've never seen anything that worked
> like it.
> Just another option...
> Bill J
> '68 GT8

-Mark Holbrook-
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