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Re: How to? Seized Bolts!

To: <PorscheRcr@aol.com>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: How to? Seized Bolts!
From: "Nolan Penney" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 06:59:47 -0500
I also used to use Kano's many penetrants.  Kroil, Silikroil, etc.  Now they 
just sit on my shelf, gathering dust, because I found something much better.

Liquid Wrench *WITH TEFLON*.  It's in a teal can.  Regular Liquid Wrench isn't 
worth a darn, but the formulation with teflon is superb.  Breaks things free 
every bit as well as Kroil, PB Blaster and others.  

What makes it stand out from the others is what happens once the part is broken 
free.  Most times, you end up galling threads on all the rust particles.  The 
Liquid Wrench *WITH TEFLON* lubricates real well, and the parts just spin off.  
Many times I've used the wrench to break the part free, and then been able to 
spin it off (or out) with my fingers.

>>> <PorscheRcr@aol.com> 02/05 10:52 PM >>>

In a message dated 02/05/2001 12:48:49 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
jjcon2@yahoo.com writes:

<< Kroil
  I found this to be amazing stuff.  Comes in an orange
 aerosol can.  More expensive than WD-40, but works
 many times better. >>
In my experience as a maintenance mechanic at a shipyard I used Kroil a lot, 
and always thought it was close to magic.  I've found something in the past 
year though that works even better.  It's an oil called "Breakfree CLP" .  I 
bought it at a gun store on the recommendation of my old apprentice 
instructor and I've never seen anything that worked like it.
Just another option...

Bill J
'68 GT8

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