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On the Hook

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: On the Hook
From: Mark Gardner <mrgrdnr@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 21:00:33 -0800
Oh the humiliation!!!

I drove the spit to work today instead my bike because it was still wet
out and it was cold enought that I'm still afraid of ice.  No problem
going to work, but on the way home just heading up the Cajon Pass on I15
outside of LA, the spit started to miss a little, then a lot.  I was in
the right hand lane (as usual) and lifted off and coasted onto the
shoulder.  The car gave off a few backfires then quit.  I popped the
hood and couldn't see anything adrift.  The car would barely start, but
wouldn't take throttle.  So I called AAA.  While I was on the phone to
them, a CALTRANS-contracted towtruck came up and offered to tow me off
the freeway up to the nearest gas station.  The AAA guy told me to call
back when I got settled.  On the way to the station, the tow truck
driver made a radio call, and told me that AAA was called and on the
way.  He unloaded me and took off.  30 minutes later, no AAA.  I called
in to check the dispatch.  She told me they were waiting for me to call
back.  She also said they had a call for a maroon MG (!!!) but no member
info so they didn't dispatch anybody.  

Anyway, a new truck showed up shortly, with a young guy driving.  As he
was filling out the paperwork, he asked me what kind of car it was.  I
told him
"Triumph Spitfire"
"No, I mean what make"
"No, what make...like Ford, Chevy, you know..."

I finally got him to realize Triumph was the make and that it was a
'79.  He told me it was made 2 years before he was born.  Oh well.  At
least he thought it was a "cool little car".

Finally, when he was dropping it off, he saw the two Suzuki sport bikes
in the garage and wanted to know if they were Harleys!  Couldn't win
today - now I have to spend the weekend trying to figure out why my car
won't run.  


Mark Gardner

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