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Re: Fuel Tank Venting - BASIC

To: reid.w.simmons@intel.com
Subject: Re: Fuel Tank Venting - BASIC
From: Bill Gunshannon <bill@cs.uofs.edu>
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 16:55:17 -0500 (EST)
According to Simmons, Reid W:
> Yes!  Barry is correct.  I know from personal experience.  However in my
> case the tank, which had collapsed down to about a 4 gallon capacity, was
> "saved" by a radiator/gas tank shop for about $75.  BTW new tanks are
> "unobtainium", and many of the used tanks I found where already partially
> collapsed or too rusty to bother with.

Do you mean original tanks are "unobtainium" or all tanks??  Rimmer lists
a replacement for the the 1500 in their catalog.  I am sure if he is still
reading here our MailingList Rimmer Rep can probably tell us if this tank
is in fact available.  While I realize how important it is to some people
to only use 30 year old parts on their Triumphs, I think some parts are
important enough that modern manufactured replacements are a good bet.

All the best.

Bill Gunshannon          |  de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n.  Three wolves
bill@cs.uofs.edu         |  and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
University of Scranton   |
Scranton, Pennsylvania   |         #include <std.disclaimer.h>   

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