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RE: Tense driving lately

To: Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Tense driving lately
From: "Mostrom, Paul" <Mostrom.Paul@principal.com>
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 11:04:24 -0600

I whole-heartedly agree with your post script. 

I served as a Paramedic with the local rescue squad for 17 years.  I will
never forget the man who we found face down in the ditch, next to his car.  He
had been thrown from his car, which then rolled over him.  The air bag was
deployed and the passenger compartment was intact.  I am firmly convinced that
he would have survived, with only minor injuries, if he would have remained in
the car.

Sometimes I wish I had one of those brain zapping - 'flashy thingys'  from the
movie 'Men in Black'.  Just another one of a thousand memories I would like to

Sorry for being such a downer....

Paul Mostrom
'77 Spitfire 1500
'80 Ford F-100 (Triumph Support Vehicle) 
'Black holes, where God divided by zero......'


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff McNeal [mailto:jmcneal@ohms.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 10:30 AM
To: Mostrom, Paul; 'Carter Shore'; Spitfire List
Subject: Re: Tense driving lately

Just be glad that you don't have to deal with Southern California freeway
driving with your kid, Paul!  I'm going to be a nervous WRECK!


Jeff in San Diego
'67 RHD Spitfire Mk3
Jeff's Classic '67 Spitfire Mk3 Site

P.S.  The religious use of SEATBELTS can never be emphasized enough.  I
speak from experience.   lost my mother five years ago because she wasn't
wearing hers...

----- Original Message -----
From: Mostrom, Paul <Mostrom.Paul@principal.com>
To: 'Carter Shore' <clshore@yahoo.com>; Jeff McNeal <jmcneal@ohms.com>;
Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 5:53 AM
Subject: RE: Tense driving lately

> Thanks you two for making me feel so much better!
> My son just turned 14, the age that he can get his learner's permit in
> Thanks,
> Paul Mostrom
> '77 Spitfire 1500
> '80 Ford F-100 (Triumph Support Vehicle)
> 'Black holes, where God divided by zero......'
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carter Shore [mailto:clshore@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 7:37 AM
> To: Jeff McNeal; Spitfire List
> Subject: Re: Tense driving lately
> Jeff,
> Waaay back when, SCCA used to require both passenger
> and driver seats in cars used for driver's school.
> This, so that the instructor could 'take the student
> for a ride', to familiarize them with how a racecar
> should be properly driven. My instructor was Hurley
> Heywood, and I still remember that ride. We were using
> the infield portion of the Daytona course. Up to that
> point, I had no idea that a car could be made to go
> around a corner at such speeds (and slip angles).
> But it was nothing compared to riding with my teenage
> son on our first outing.
> So I feel for you, buddy! (It does get better, if you
> survive)
> Carter
> --- Jeff McNeal <jmcneal@ohms.com> wrote:
> >
> > It's been a real strange three days of driving.
> > ... Then, this
> > evening, I let my 15-year-old son drive me around in
> > our 12-year-old Maxima ...
> >
> Do You Yahoo!?

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