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Re: Copyrights

To: Tburke4@aol.com
Subject: Re: Copyrights
From: Tim Wilcox <tw1@sunmuw1.MUW.Edu>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 12:13:59 -0600 (CST)
I just finished a graduate course that discussed electronic property and
copyright law. The law is very clear about what may and may not be
reproduced. There is no defense in claiming that "someone has done it
before." There is even some banter that viewing an item on the web is
copyright infringement because computers make RAM "copies" of the items
without the creators permission. Go figure. The rules for how much of an
item may be copied and for what purpose and with what result are
specifically outlined (in percentages and lengthy definitions). I guess
what I'm trying to say is that there must be some very creative people on
this list who can create original images which represent the purpose,
spirit and general essence of who we are. The challenge has been
issued. Who will respond?


Tim Wilcox

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