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Put it in perspective!

To: Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Put it in perspective!
From: Susan Hensley <susan@bearcom.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 12:17:02 -0600
Hey all, 

Everybody, please lighten up on what started as a light, fun topic!  

Look at it this way -- like it now or not, Triumph has associated the
Spitfire sportscar with the Spitfire Supermarine fighter.  How many
vets, British or other, have raised a lawsuit, lobbied Washington,
burned Paul R. in effigy, etc. over this past association?  Answer:

The whole idea of this new group is to enjoy our cars and the LORE of
our cars, which again, like it or not, has included the fighter

So let's ENJOY it, instead of beating it to death!  The association
seems to romanticize the sportscar history to me, and makes a valid
connection to England's past, to no one's detriment.  Let's continue in
that vein, instead of breaking away from it!

Okay.  Everyone has had a chance to have say in this.  I move we accept
the continuing legacy Triumph has already built for us, and MOVE ON to
topics that will advance this new organization.  Submit your logos to
Patrick, whether they have military/aircraft/whatever connections or
not, and the vote will decide.  Next topic: How to organize regional
meetings -- do we appoint/volunteer local squadron leaders?  Go for it!

I think the "military" squadron is an ideal venue for this club, but a
valid point brought up by several listers is to not get ourselves lost
in it.  We're not about military history, we're about our cars, but
having squadrons and flights and insignia makes it a lot more fun, as
long as we base it all on our cars.  I do agree we need to design our
own, unique logo/badge, and stay away from using a pre-existing model. 
Another list I am on has done so quite successfully, and the logo is the
focal point for a lot of fun, conversation, and camaraderie.

Okay, ranting mode off -- it's lunchtime and my blood sugar level is
low! ;)

Let's Progress!

Keep Triumphing,
Susan  :)

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