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Re: Spitfire 1500 year?

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Spitfire 1500 year?
From: Tom Harvey <tom@tomh.demon.co.uk>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 18:22:48 +0000
In article <000b01bf3438$cb63ee00$21f0adce@lapuser>, Laura Gharazeddine
<Laura.G@141.com> writes
>Well this ought to be easy enough!
>There should be commission plates and such on the car-and those numbers
>while they won't say "02/02/74" or whatever, do have a  definite order and
>date the car. 

Sorry... No commission number (except that off of a mk3, hence the DVLA
insistence), no chassis number. 

I should have elaborated, but that is what I meant when I said in my
original post that the documentation/ID has long been lost by previous
owners. All components look to be consistent with a 1500 (as I say, a
1977/8ish car). I think that the documentation/commision plates etc have
all been altered for tax avoidance reasons (cars made before 1973 are
not required to pay road tax in the UK). Hence my need to age it from
other (less reliable) features such as date stamps on components.

Not as easy as you thought?

Tom Harvey________________________________________________________________
http://www.tomh.demon.co.uk/                    Home: tom@tomh.demon.co.uk
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