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Re: Spitfire 1500 year?

To: "Tom Harvey" <tom@tomh.demon.co.uk>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Spitfire 1500 year?
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 07:55:09 -0800
Well this ought to be easy enough!

There should be commission plates and such on the car-and those numbers
while they won't say "02/02/74" or whatever, do have a  definite order and
date the car. There's the plateon the engine and the plate on the body-

Also, I have a marveloous little book by Michael Cook that explains the sylt
differences between each year-and they don't change much-except that a Mk3
and an MkIV would be very different-MkIIIs having a round tail and MkIV a
sleeker line and a square tail-you can get find all sorts of information on
this at www.vtr.org/models.html  as well as at our beloved Joe Currys
site-the International Triumph Spitfire Database at

I would tell you where to find the comission plates myself, but I see that
you are in the U.K. and I think they were in different places from the U.S.
spec cars-mine are on the engine block-*I think* top left and in the drivers
side door jamb.

Hope this helps!

Laura G. and "Nigel"

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Harvey <tom@tomh.demon.co.uk>
To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 7:14 AM
Subject: Spitfire 1500 year?

> I am desperately trying to age my Triumph Spitfire 1500, as the
> documentation/ID has long been lost by previous owners, and the DVLA
> seem to think that it is a 1970 Mk3 (!!).
> I have used various sources (parts catalogues etc) to identify the age
> of various 'features' of the accessories and trim, and these in the main
> suggest that it is a 1977/8ish car, but am very aware that it has been
> heavily restored, and how easy most of these parts are to change. The
> more evidence I have of it's age the easier it will be to convince the
> powers that be!
> What I am now trying to do is find parts that have their actual
> manufacture date stamped on them in some way. I have now found that the
> Triplex windscreen was manufactured in February 19?7 which backs up my
> previous guestimates.
> Does anyone know of any other parts that were date marked on a UK 1500,
> and where the stamps can be found (N.B. engine/gearbox is not the
> original)?
> Can a differential number indicate year of manufacture?
> Oh, and there is a picture of it at
> http:\\www.tomh.demon.co.uk\spitfire.htm
> but I don't think it is detailed enough to help.
> All help gratefully received.
> --
> Tom Harvey________________________________________________________________
> http://www.tomh.demon.co.uk/                    Home: tom@tomh.demon.co.uk
> http://www.tomh.demon.co.uk/jukebox/           Work: tharvey@meditel.co.uk

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