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Re: FW: largest possible tires (was "Minilite Wheels")

To: dtgebhard <kimkell@decaturnet.com>
Subject: Re: FW: largest possible tires (was "Minilite Wheels")
From: "Dr. Faustus" <faustus@inconnect.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 19:28:53 -0600 (MDT)
On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, dtgebhard wrote:

> speaking of tires, I've put some Goodrich "Euro" style radial on my Spit.
> 175/70 HR 13. Should I follow the manufactures recommend for air pressure or
> do I use the tag inside the door...front 21, rear 26
>             thanks
>             Dave Gebhard
>             1977 Spitfire FM60984U
Tire Manufacturers don't list a suggested tire pressure on the tire.  They
list a maximum tire pressure on the tire.  To a point the more pressure in
a tire, the better the cornering (Less sidewall roll).  Unless you blow
your tire up like a baloon and lose contact area.  I use what is labeled
on the vehicle.  If you are going for extra handling do the following (The
more pressure you put in the tire, the stiffer the ride of the car):
1. Make lines of chalk on the sidewalls of your tires in at least four
spots (On all four tires).
2. Run the hell out of your car.
3. If any of the chalk has rubbed off the sidewall (Due to sidewall roll),
increase tire pressure.
4. Repeat process increasing pressure slowly until no chalk rubs off the

This will give you optimum performance from that tire.  Be warned however
this may exceed the recommended maximum pressure of the tire.

Andy L.
'70 Spit

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