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RE: Strange Electrical Phenomena

To: "David Moag" <moag@ix.netcom.com>,
Subject: RE: Strange Electrical Phenomena
From: Atwell Haines <carbuff@nac.net>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 20:42:23 -0400
At 09:55 PM 10/18/98 -0700, David Moag wrote:
>I actually did turn the hazard off and on a few times. It seems the hazards
>keep working even when the regular turn signals (and other stuff) fail. Is
>this a clue that the hazard is the problem??

The circuit path for the turn signals goes 'through' the hazard (4-way
flasher) switch. If the hazard sw. contacts offer up a high resistance, the
turn signals can operate slowly or not at all.

Actuating the hazard switch periodically keeps the contacts clean and the
turn signals working.

Of course, it's the ignition switch that affects all that other stuff
(radio, instruments, etc).   The hazards operate independant of the
ignition switch, but the turn signals won't work until the ignition is 'on'.

I have heard of several 60s and 79s Lotuses that have been cured of weird
electrical ailments by replacing the ignition switch.   And you wouldn't
have to take that dashboard apart again, would you? :)

Atwell "I'm no Dan Masters" Haines

>> -----Original Message-----
>> How about a funky hazard light switch?
>> Try actuating the hazard switch on-off about a dozen times.
>> Then see if
>> your  gremlins disappear.   Costs nothing to try.
>> Atwell Haines

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