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Re: my car stopped...

To: Ken Tharp <kthinc@dwx.com>
Subject: Re: my car stopped...
From: Andrew Lindeman <drfaustus@london.crosswinds.net>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 13:49:54 -0400 (EDT)
It was written:
> On Sunday, I was driving my 79 Spitfire on some back highways. I had
> driven about 30 miles, so the car was good & warmed up. Suddenly, the
> engine coughed a little. It kicked back in, and I was able to drive 1/4
> mile farther before I slowly lost power. It was as if I had run out of
> gasoline, but I had plenty. I sat by the side of the road for a few
> minutes, re-started the car, drove just a few hundred feet, and lost
> power again. This happened two or three more times, and I was pretty
> convinced I was going to have to call my wife to bail me out. I sat for
> another few minutes, re-started the car, and everything was fine. I
> drove it home with no further problems.

I had the same problem happen to me.  I had just purchased the car.  I rebuilt
the carb, and it solved the problem.

Andy L.

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